Quiet Rush

Concert for the Gold Mine, 30 min, 2019
place: Mine/Stolnia Bartolomej
and Jozef Kollár Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, SK
performers: Aëla Hasbach, Barbora Frenová, Ester Gašparová, Janka Krippnerová, Karma Hasbach, Lea Hrnčíriková, Lívia Oláhová, Lucia Tkáčová, Marína Kuhnová, Sandra Kuhnová, Zuzana Bodnárová, Zuzana Ligeti, Zuzana Patkošová
curator: Lucia Tkacova
technical collaboration: Kalle Enkelmann
documentation: Nico Krebs, Inza Langhorst
photos:Lukas Roharik
production: Banská Stanica Contemporary

An underground concert in the realm of darkness, a world carved by human ambition and chiseled by greed, inhabited by fire lizards and protected by gnomes. A composition for bodies, minerals, insects and bacterias vibrating in the Earth ́s intestines, out of the reach of Sun, order and rationality.
Quiet Rush from Zorka Wollny was created in collaboration with a group of women living in Štiavnica and composed as a sound situation that reacts to the specific spatial, historical and natural conditions of mines hidden under the Earth`s surface. The presence of wealth in the town resulting from the successful mining, individual experiences, emotions and stories connected to mining of gold and silver, all this finds its reflection in the voices and sounds.

Recordings of the performance that took place in the mine shaft Bartolomej at the beginning of May 2019 were further develped by the artist into a sound installation, presented in the Jozef Kollár Gallery. The Gallery, like most of the houses in the historical centre of Štiavnica, has it ́s own entrance to a mine. The building of the Gallery received it ́s mining right and duty as early as the 14th century. Later, the mines on the Trinity Square turned into storages for the newer shops and wineries. The mine in the Jozef Kollár Gallery was not accessible for public until now and the sound installation the Quiet Rush rediscovers it for visitors of the Gallery and the town.

Lucia Tkacova