Alienated voices. Crackling noises. Abstract sounds of unidentifiable origins … these are just some of the sources that Zorka Wollny, visual artist / composer from Krakow (whose work a.o. has been presented at CTM Berlin or ICI London), and her Austrian partner Christine Schörkhuber - freelance sound artist, video maker and musician with residencies in St. Petersburg, Copenhagen, Valparaíso, Buenos Aires a.o. – apply to create seven acoustic miniatures that are based on and inspired by paintings by Senegalese artist El Hadj Sy. Tracks like “Blue Man” or “Alchemy” can be perceived as a reference to the experiments of pioneers at the GRM like Pierre Schaeffer or Guy Reibel on the one hand and the sound collages of underground icons Nurse With Wound or Ghédalia Tazartès on the other. Enriched with a wide variety of sounds and reduced at the same time, the short pieces are far from dry academic exercises and display not only profound knowledge and artistry in contemporary sound art but also create dense atmospheres that permeate the captivating, at times unsettling music. An excellent work by 2 strong voices of the current art scene!
Thomas Herbst / Karl Records karlrecords.net
Composition: Christine Schörkhuber and Zorka Wollny
Choir: Michał Grzegorzek, Leo Voznyachuk, Joanna Manecka, Bartek Zdunek
Master:Kalle Enkelmann
Design: Jakub Stępień / Hakobo
Publisher: The Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle
MonotypePressing monotypepressing.pl
Composed and recorded at El Hadji Sy' exhibition in The Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw 2016