Zorka Wollny
Live recording from Pulverturm Oldenburg
with electronics by Hans Catrup
performed by Kerstin Anders, Graham Coleman, Olaf Kreitsmann, Birgit RademacherDavid Treumann, Carla Worgull, Alexandra Varela
recorded by Katja Striedelmeyer
produced by Edit Russ Haus für Medienkunst 21.05.2017
Birds was a short concert for vocal and electronics, realised in old pulverturm (gunpowder works) in Oldenburg (DE) with a group of performers and a guest apperiance of Hans Castrup - german sound artist and painter. The Birds, inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's movie, were performed in the dark, in the cold, medieval rotunda for limited number of audience. We were aiming somewhere between the claustrophobic experience, sharp perception and very intimate way of immersing in the sound.
Audiomat/ Audio Art Festival Krakow